What is Automated Education?
Automated Education is a platform that provides a wide range of educational resources and tools to augment teaching. It aims to assist educators in creating a more interactive and engaging learning environment for students in a fraction of the time it would take to do so using traditional methods.
How does Automate Education work?
Automated Education uses a combination of machine learning, natural language processing, data analytics, and other advanced automation technologies. These technologies have adapted to work in educational settings through close collaboration with educators, students, and parents.
What are the benefits of Automated Education?
Automated Education offers a wide range of benefits. The key areas of benefit we focus on are:
Reducing Workload: Automated Education can help educators drastically reduce the amount of time spent on administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on teaching.
Increased Engagement: Creating interactive and engaging learning materials can be time-consuming and draining. Out automated tools can perform these tasks from minimal input, without ever slowing down.
Personalised Assistant: While most educators could probably do with two or three extra pairs of hands, endless budget constraints usually mean there are a couple assistants across the entire school. Automated Education provide customisable virtual assistants to help educators with everything from lesson planning to grading.
Personalised Coach: As an extension to the endless assistants, Automated Education provides a virtual coach to help educators improve their teaching methods and strategies or even brush up that CV for the next promotion or other opportunities.
Is Automated Education only for teachers?
No, Automated Education is designed to be used by anyone involved in education. Some examples include, educators, teachers for all greats, tutors or even parents.
While not all features are relevant to all users, there are many useful tools for anyone that is involved in education.
How long is a subscription?
The free subscription are valid till the account is closed or upgraded to another plan.
The paid plans for individuals are month to month and can be cancelled at any time. If canalled before the end of the period, the subscription will be valid till the end of the period.
The paid plans for institutions are contracted and can be cancelled before an extension or left to lapse at the end of the period.
Why is the free account limited?
The free account is limited to ensure that the platform is not abused. Aside from additional load, there are also direct costs associated with every bit of content that is generated or processed.
The free account is designed to give you a taste of what Automated Education can without having to commit to a subscription.
How do I cancel my subscription?
For individual subscriptions, you can cancel your subscription at any time by going to the billing section of your account and clicking the cancel button. No questions asked.
How do I delete my account?
You can delete your account by going to the account settings and clicking the delete account button. You will be asked to confirm the deletion and then your account will be deleted.
This action is irreversible and all data will be destroyed. We do not keep data of closed accounts beyond what is legally required.
How accurate is Automated Education?
Automated Education is constantly improving and updating its algorithms to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. However, as with any technology, there is always a margin of error.
How do I report an error?
If you find an error in any of our resources, please report it to us by clicking the report error button on the resource page. We will investigate the error and make the necessary corrections.
How do I request a feature?
If you have a feature request, please submit it to us by clicking the request feature button on the feature page. We will review your request and if it’s an interesting idea we will be in touch to discuss it further.
How do I contact support?
You can contact support by clicking the support button on the support page. While most of our systems are automated, we do have actual humans available to provide support.
There are typos in the images
We are firm believers in dogfooding and as such, we use our own tools to create our resources. Almost all of our images are generated by AI and at this time (early 2024) image generation with text remains a challenge.
The simple answer is image generators don’t actually understand what text is, they just happen to place pixels in a way that looks like text. This area of AI is rapidly improving and won’t be a problem for much longer.
For teaching resources, this should be less of a problem and quite easy to avoid completely with a few nudges in the right direction when creating the resources. See here for more info